Sunday, February 13, 2011

Larger Than Life Update

This project was pretty fun. Also was a pain in the ass. But that's just my fault in trying to make it look exactly like the pipe wrench. Many cardstock was used to make a paper model before I went on to making the cardboard version. In my quest to make a perfectly looking and working cardboard wrench, I did not finish. Finding the right spacing and number of teeth to fit the adjustment nut just took too much time.

I am working on the body of the pipe wrench. Since the pipe wrench will be part of my forearm, I'm going to have to cut off part of the body. 
 Getting the sides of the arm cradle done. (I don't know what the official name is)

Annnnnnnnnnnnd she is done!
 Two comparison photos.
 Starting out on the "head" of the pipe wrench body. (jokes were made about how this looked >_>)
Now it needs the thin cardboard to make the curve.
Ran into a slight problem, or in this case, my finger... I was making a long cut and the box cutter slipped and almost sliced off a part of my thumb. It was held together by a piece of skin. 
The back of the body is now in place. 
  Comparison photos.
(I didn't get to figure out how to exactly do the sides of the head out of cardboard. The stick out and make 2 different curves)
Fitting the assembly onto my arm. As you can see, my arm is a bit too big to fit inside. To help make it fit better, I made some cuts inside the assembly so that when my arm goes in, the newly formed flaps move out of the way to make room for my arm. But, it still wasn't enough.

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