Friday, May 6, 2011

Big Idea Crit

My big idea supposed to be a fully poseable, full-range motion robotic hand. But once again, I chose a project too big to get done. I only managed to get a finger done. My major is computer animation and I plan to do 3D animation and I know I proved that I know how to make something in 3D and actually make it work. I also proved that I can make a whole hand.

I was told that I should finish the hand for BFA. Dispite the lack of applause, questions, and overall seeming lack of interest from most, not all, most of the class, I think I built a well made project.


As a group, we worked togethether fairly well. JP bought all the plastic, iorned alot of plastic and provided ideas. Donovan also provided ideas, solutions, and did some cutting and iorning. Trey provided ideas and solutions and iorned alot of plastic. I cut and measured virutually all of the plastic and provided many ideas and solutions. We all took the leadership role when it was needed. No one argued, just debated. Overall, I say we did pretty well since we only worked on it a few days before it was due and even came up with the idea of making the thumb war with less people than the other groups.