Sunday, January 30, 2011

Disappointed in myself.

Well, I went home for the weekend, and accomplished near nothing over there. I spent all weekend on the project, and only came out with the adjustment nut and a rough template for the arm.

It does actually screw on. I think getting the angles and spacing right on the threads is what took me so long as with the 4 kids that are running rampant in my house...

I know I could have done much more.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Larger Than Life

Out next 3D prject is called Larger Than Life. We randomly pick out an object from a box without seeing and enalrge it to at least 2 feet and make it part of our body. I picked out a pipe wrench.

After many, MANY measurements, I was able to make a real-size model of the adjustment nut and a template for the top teeth and the side of the arm.

(and yea, I'm a PlayStation guy)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dots, Dots, and More Dots

For our 2D portion of the class, we had to make 30 sketches composing of just dots that convey the following concepts: proxminity, distance, and continuous. 
I was able to get my sktechbook the day before it was due. Those spheres took up alot of my time. Unfortunately, I was late to class and did not get a grade on my dots. =/ We then critiqued the dots of the other people at our table.
These are the things that were noted on my dots.

My dots enlarged and refined.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cardboard Spheres

Well this post is a bit late. I've been busy here and there.

Making a cardboard sphere is a bit more difficult then one might normally think. Its cardboard, not paper. It can't bend or conform to curves, its flat, its, well, cardboard.

Here, I am cutting pieces for my three spheres. (my little brother is taking my room when I'm gone, by the way and he stole the sheets to my bed...)

I got the inner sphere done for my internal based sphere done. I took the thin cardboard from a cereal box to form the curves. I didn't cut the four main strips at the proper angle or width and as so, it was difficult to get it to hold together.

Annnnd here is the completed sphere in all its glory. The inner sphere uses no glue to hold itself in place. I think it looks like a bit of a gyroscope. What do you think? (pardon the sock)

Here is my sphere that used no glue whatsoever. A small mistake caused it to be a bit off.

For my external based sphere, I unfourtunelatey do not have a photo of it... I was in a hurry and forgot to take the picture of it before I left to drop them off.

Friday, January 21, 2011

1st day of W.A.S.H.

On our first day, we had to pick to become something from a nightmare or something from a dream and make something out of newspaper to be used as a prop of sorts, something to act as an extension of the body. I chose to be a fighter pilot. I made a flight stick and a crude air mask that pilots wear at high altitudes. I would I made my flight stick very well. Its contoured to fit the left hand (as I am left-handed) and even features a trigger. The trigger used to act as a real trigger, but the newspaper became weak and it no longer returns the trigger to the original position. Only thing missing are buttons and paint.

We were then split up into groups and each given an element of art that we had to create or represent using only sound.

Overall, it was a pretty fun day.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spend Spend Spend

Got my SAM email account working again. Oh boy, lots of stuff to buy...